Understanding Medicare
When it comes to Medicare, one size definitely doesn't fit all. What works for your neighbor may not be the best fit for you. Vance Insurance Group is here to help you understand your needs, explain your options and make Medicare as simple as possible to understand. " Click Below To Learn More"
What is Medicare?
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that was created to provide affordable healthcare coverage to eligible individuals. Those eligible include anyone 65 or older or those with qualifying disabilities.
Who can get Medicare?
U.S. citizens and legal residents
Legal residents must live in the U.S. for least 5 years and a row, including the 5 years just before applying for Medicare. You must also meet one of these requirements:
- Age 65 or older
- Younger than 65 with a qualifying disability
- Any age with a diagnosis of end-stage renal disease or ALS
- Be disaabled/receiving Social Security disability income benefits for 24 months
When can you enroll in a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan?
Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)
For those who age into Medicare (turn 65), your IEP includes your 65th birthday month, the 3 months before and 3 months after. Your IEP begins and ends 1 month earlier if your birthday is on the first of the month. You have 6 months to be guaranteed coverage in a Medicare Supplement insurance plan (Medigap), starting the first month you are age 65 or older and enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B. You may apply at other times, but you could be denied coverage or charged a higher premium based on your health history. Some states may have additional open enrollment rights under state law.
Eligible due to disability?
Your 7-months IEP includes the month you receive your 25th disability check, the 3 months before and 3months after.

Annual Enrollment Period, October 15 - December 7
During annual enrollment, you can add, drop or switch your Medicare coverage
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, January 1 - March 31
If you’re already a Medicare Advantage plan member, you may disenroll from your current plan and either switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan one time only, or go back to Original Medicare during this period.
Special Enrollment Period
Depending on certain circumstances, you may be able to enroll in a Medicare plan outside of the initial enrollment or annual enrollment time frames. Some ways you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period are if you :
- Retire and lose your employer coverage
- Move out of the plan’s service are
- Qualify for Extra Help
Note: Special needs plans have other eligibility requirements.
- Have been diagnosed with certain qualifying chronic health conditions

Understanding your Medicare choices
Understanding your Medicare choices
Step 1
Enroll in Original Medicare
Original Medicare
Provided by the federal government
Part A
Helps pay for hospital stays and inpatient care
Part B
Helps pay for doctor visits and outpatient care

How do you enroll?
If you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Boarding benefits when you become eligible you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B. You’ll receive your Medicare card in the mail. If you’re not receiving benefits, you need to sign up for Medicare when you become eligible.
Visit Social Security Office
Visit your local Social Security Office
Call Social Security
Call Social at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778
Apply Online
Apply online at ssa.gov
Step 2
After you enroll in Original Medicare, there are two ways to get additional coverage
Option 1
------- OR -------
Option 2
Step 2
After you enroll in Original Medicare, there are two ways to get additional coverage
Add one or both of the following to Original Medicare:
Medicare Supplement Insurance
Offered by private companies
Medicare Supplement
Helps pay some of the out-of-pocket cost not paid by Original Medicare
Medicare Part D
Offered by private companies
Part D
Helps pay for prescription drugs
Choose a Medicare Advantage plan:
Medicare Advantage Plan
Offered by private companies
Part C
Combines Part A and Part B coverage in one plan
Part D
Usually includes prescription drugs coverage
May offer additional benefits not provided by Original Medicare
Option 1
Add one or both of the following to Original Medicare:
Medicare Supplement Insurance
Offered by private companies
Medicare Supplement
Helps pay some of the out-of-pocket cost not paid by Original Medicare
Medicare Part D
Offered by private companies
Part D
Helps pay for prescription drugs
Option 2
Choose a Medicare Advantage plan:
Medicare Advantage Plan
Offered by private companies
Part C
Combines Part A and Part B coverage in one plan
Part D
Usually includes prescription drugs coverage
May offer additional benefits not provided by Original Medicare
Are You Ready to Book Your Appointment
Choosing a Medicare plan can be confusing. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to enrolling into Medicare. Let us help you make the best choice for you and our services are free to you.
Contact Us
1200 S Horner Blvd #5046, Sanford NC 27331
* All information provide will remain confidential.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent five organizations which offer twenty-two products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.”