FEX Appointment Script
“Hey, is this ? Hey____, this is Scott — how are you today? Good! Well _____the reason I’m calling you is because my company sent out a little postcard to your house and you read it… filled it out and mailed it back to us and I just need to verify what you put on the card. I see here your age is 68 — is that correct? Great… and I have your address as _____? Well Mary, anytime someone in your area mails one of these cards back, I’m the guy who receives it. I go out each day and see 8-10 people in your community and get them this information they requested. I’m calling you because I’m going to be out there tomorrow and was just wondering what a good time would be for me to get you this information… it will only take 4-5 minutes to go over it… is morning or afternoon usually better? Great _____, again, my name is Scott and I’ll be driving a white SUV and I’ll see you sometime between 4:00 and 5:00 tomorrow!”
Common Objections and Rebuttals
Mary, this was about the card you filled out regarding your final expenses, when ever someone does this, I just need to verify the information and I’ll get you off the phone, now you said you’re at123 Main St., right?… proceed to set
GREAT! You actually have to have insurance to qualify for many of these programs. Sinceyou filled this card out, I just have to go over this with you real quick. It just takes a few minutes and if I can’t help you, I’ll get out of your hair. Is morning or afternoon better?
That’s ok, since you filled this card out, I have to drop this off real quick and go over it with you. Itjust takes a few minutes and if I can’t help you, I’ll get out of your hair. Is morning or afternoon better?
Usually, this means they have a doctor’s appointment or something. Make sure to fact find a little bit, find a way to relate to them and then proceed to set… “No worries Miss Mary, they’ve got me working like crazy too. I’ve gotta see 10-12 people each day so it is just takes a few minutes. I’ll have to give you the quick version, but I can squeeze you in at the end ofthe day. Is there any reason sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 wouldn’t work?”
No worries, whenever someone fills this card out, I’m just supposed to go over this real quick. If I can’t help you, I’ll get out of your hair. Is morning or afternoon better?
Well hopefully it’s better than free. These programs were designed for folks on a fixed income and I put money back in seniors’ pockets every day. Since you filled this card out, I just have to go over it real quick. If I can’t help you, I’ll get out of your hair. Is morning or afternoon better?