Vance Insurance Group

Turning 65

Almost 60 million Americans depend on Medicare to cover their healthcare expenses when they retire.

Understanding The Four Parts Of Medicare

What is Medicare Part A and what does it cover?

Medicare Part A covers services that you may get as an inpatient during a stay in hospital or a skilled nursing facility. These services are provided by the care facility itself, including:

  • Meals
  • Lab tests
  • X-rays
  • Operating and recovery room services, and more

Hospice care and some home health care services are also covered by Medicare Part A.

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Enroll Into Original Medicare

Original Medicare is provided by the federal government and you’ll be automatically enrolled if at age 65 you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, or if you become eligible for Medicare due to disability. If you’re not enrolled automatically, you must enroll yourself.

Enroll online at, by phone 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or visit your local Social Security office.

The Parts of Medicare

Original Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A covers services that you may get as an inpatient during a stay in hospital or a skilled nursing facility. These services are provided by the care facility itself, including:

  • Meals
  • Lab tests
  • X-rays
  • Operating and recovery room services, and more

Hospice care and some home health care services are also covered by Medicare Part A.

Original Medicare Part B

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Medicare Part C

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Medicare Part D

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Understanding the different parts of Medicare

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Are you still working?

Working after 65. If you plan to work past age 65, you can also enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or prescription drug plan up to 2 full months after the month your employer health insurance ends. Keep in mind, you must be enrolled in Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to be eligible for a Medicare Advantage plan. Check with your human resources department and do some research to see if you could save money on Medicare when you turn 65, even if you do continue to work. 

Finding insurance for a younger spouse. Many couples get their health insurance through one partner’s employer. If that partner retires at age 65 and enrolls in Medicare, a younger spouse — and any dependents — may be left without coverage. Here are some alternative health insurance options for younger spouses:

• COBRA temporary insurance: This provides continued employer benefits for up to 18 months if you pay the full premium.
• Individual insurance: You can purchase
it from a private insurance company.
• Group health plans: Some organizations offer group health plans to their members.
• HIPAA-protected insurance: These plans don’t exclude coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.

Ready to enroll into Medicare

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Not under any employer insurance

Must enroll into Medicare Part A and Part B

Next Enroll in Original Medicare (Part A & B)

Original Medicare is provided by the federal government and you'll be automatically enrolled if at age 65 and you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, or if you become eligible for Medicare due to disability. If you're not enrolled automatically, you must enroll yourself. Enroll online at, by phone 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or visit your local Social Security office.

Then look at enrolling into Part C or Medigap plans and Part D

These plans are only offered by private insurance companies. You will enroll directly with the plan provider -- by phone, online or with local agent. Remember to review each plan carefully...different providers will offer different plans and benefits.

Still Working after age 65

If you have creditable coverage through your employer and they have 20 or more employees you are not required to take part B.

If you plan on working past age 65

If you plan to work past age 65, you can also enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or prescription drug plan up to 2 full months after the month your employer health insurance ends. Keep in mind, you must be enrolled in Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to be eligible for a Medicare Advantage plan. Check with your human resources department and do some research to see if you could save money on Medicare when you turn 65, even if you do continue to work.

Contact a Vance Insurance Group Agent

An Agent can be of great assistance when trying to choose a Medicare health plan and learning what your options are.

Choosing The Right Medicare Plan

Navigating Medicare can be very confusing in deciding which plans will meet your needs. Things to look at when choosing a plan should be making sure your prescription drugs are covered, Doctors are in network and your favorite pharmacy is in network. An agent can help you determine which plan best fits your needs and help you find other programs to reduce your health care cost. Give us a call at 910-818-2466 or click the button below to schedule an appointment.